Pupetières, burned down during the Revolution and rebuilt in 1861 by Eugène Viollet le Duc. This neo gothic castle is one of the masterpieces of architecture from the nineteenth century.
Payment type allowed
Bank/credit card • Cheque • Cash • Credit transfer
The polychrome glazed tiles, the interiors, are the witnesses of what was the revival of decorative art at that time. Alphonse de Lamartine, Stéphanie de Virieu, Anna de Noailles, Johan Berthold Jongking found their inspiration in this romantic place.
Spoken languages
All year round, daily. Dates to be confirmed.
Free entry for children < 12 years.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
For more information, visit the Château's website: https://pupetieres.jimdofree.com/visites-animations/.
- Coach parking
- Meeting room
- Covered picnic area
- Car park
- Picnic area
- Exhibition space
- Toilets
- Pets welcome
- Guided individual tours
- Guided group tours
- Coach access
- Room hire
- Themed tour
- Shop
- Tourist brochures
- Guided tours
Average length of visit : 60 min
Average length of visit for groups : 60 min