Stand up paddle on the wild Rhône

An immersion in the heart of the wild Rhône in stand-up paddle…

Payment type allowed

Cheque • Cash • Chèques Vacances

An original itinerary with our instructors, to the discovery of an unusual jungle surprising and picturesque.
You can mix kayak and stand-up paddle
For groups and individuals. Booking only.
Children from 10 years old.

Spoken languages



From 01/04 to 01/11, daily.
The base is open from 1 April to 1 November. Our offices are open all year round.
From November to March, some activities can be organised during the week, on request, depending on the weather conditions.


One price: 44 €.

Price: 45€ / pers. for a half day with an instructor.

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Stand up paddle on the wild Rhône

73240 Champagneux