A family scaled zoo presenting furry and feathered species you don't see everywhere. Different kinds of activities and animations in addition to the visit. Unusual accomodation experience with the lodge among the wolves pack.
Located 45 min from Lyon, 50 min from Grenoble and 30 min from Chambéry.
Payment type allowed
Bank/credit card • Chèques Vacances • Cash • Online payment •
The zoo as closely as possible to the predators. A zoological park family-friendlyn which offers a splendid collection of animals.
On 3 hectares the zoo is only 45 minutes from Lyon, 50 min from Grenoble, and 30 min from Chambéry.
Average time : 2 Min
From 22/02 to 11/11/2025.
Timetables vary according to seasonality. Visit www.domainedesfauves.com.
Adult: 13 €
Child : 11 €
Disabled: 9 to 11 € (child: 9€
adult: 11€)
Group children : 9 € (/child.
Schools/leisure camps:
*between 20 and 130 children
*free for adult supervisor with 5 kids (10 € additional fees per additional supervisor)
*dowload the form "Petits Explorateurs")
Set price group adults: 11 € (/pers.).
Free entry for children < 4 years.
Child entry valid for 4 - 12 years.
Group rate available for > 20 people.
Children pass: 22 €
Adult pass: 26€
Enterprise comitee groups : from 20 to 130 people; Adult: 11 €, child: 9€.
- Play area
- Picnic area
- Covered picnic area
- Bar
- Toilets
- Car park
- Restaurant
- Parking
- Coach parking
- Free car park
- Shop
- Tourist brochures
- Restaurant
- Fast food
Average length of visit : 2 min
Zoo : Le Domaine des Fauves
567, Route Départementale 1075
38490 Les Abrets en Dauphiné