Farm with its herds of cows of Aubrac breed certified organic agriculture, hemp cultivation and sale of dried flowers for private individuals, brewers . Sale on the farm on Saturday morning. Visit of the farm on appointment. Cottage on the farm.
Payment type allowed
Bank/credit card • Cheque • Cash
A herd of Aubrac suckling cows with its 4 bulls, allow us to produce calves all year, as well as beef. Cows are fed exclusively on grass. This organic production method guarantees you a healthy and tasty meat, from one of the best meat breeds in France.
Welcome to the Farm and Le Petit Futé.
Veal Parcel
Beef Parcel
Chopped Steaks Package
Possibility of delivery or to be picked up on site on Saturday morning from 9am to 12pm
Cottage at the farm referenced at Gîte de France.
Spoken languages
All year round, every Saturday.
Sale at the farm every Saturday from 9am to 12pm.
Visit of the farm on reservation.
Free access.
- Educational visits
- Sales on site
- Collection from markets
Average length of visit : 60 min
Average length of visit for groups : 60 min