Fabrique et décore ton pendentif en forme de lune et ton amulette porte-bonheur gallo-romaine en pâte auto-durcissante. Atelier "mode" en lien avec l'exposition temporaire. Prévoir une boîte pour le transport des objets réalisés.

Payment type allowed

Bank/credit card • Cheque • Cash


From 19/07 to 26/07/2024, every Friday between 3.30 pm and 4.15 pm.

Wednesday 31 July 2024 between 3.30 pm and 4.15 pm.

Thursday 8 August 2024 between 4.45 pm and 5.30 pm.

Wednesday 14 August 2024 between 4.45 pm and 5.30 pm.

From 22/08 to 29/08/2024, every Thursday between 4.45 pm and 5.30 pm.

Thursday 24 October 2024 between 2.30 pm and 3.15 pm.

Wednesday 30 October 2024 between 3.45 pm and 4.30 pm.


From 19/07 to 29/08/2024
One price: 5 €.

From 30/08 to 30/10/2024
One price: 5 €.

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43, place du Musée

38490 Aoste